
Plot Summary:  After the destruction of their home world, the survivors of the planet Barm head toward Earth with the goal of negotiating the purchase of land to emigrate to. Unfortunately, during the negotiations, the Barmian's leader, Leon, is assassinated by his second in command, Olban, and the delegation from Earth is framed for the murder. In the ensuing chaos, Doctor Isamu Ryuuzaki of the Earth delegation is shot and killed.

Shortly after the disastrous end of the talks, the Barmians (called "Valerians" in Starbirds) begin a campaign of terror against Earth, lead by Leon's son, Admiral Richter, who deploys a variety of "Mecha Soldiers" against the planet's defenses. The only thing standing between the Earthlings and annihilation is the transforming, karate-using super robot, Daimos, and its pilot, Kazuya Ryuuzaki. But that changes when he meets and falls in love with a mysterious girl named Erika, who turns out to be Richter's sister. Over the course of their struggles to reunite, Kazuya and Erika each learn that the other's people are not all evil... and that their own people are not all good.

Episode List:

01. Victory Will Be Ours Forever
02. The Mysterious Girl Erika
03. Memory Of The White Wing
04. My Brother - Earth's Enemy
05. The Terrible Sin
06. Wipe Away Your Tears And Rise
07. Joanna The Sentimental Warrior
08. True Feelings Exposed
09. The Martyr Warrior
10. The Righteous Rebellion
11. The Ballad of Love and Betrayal
12. The Archangel of Death
13. Erika's Hazardous Flight
14. Erika Fights Richard
15. Is Princess Erika A Murderer?
16. Treachery On Devil's Island
17. Erika's Escape From Brahm
18. Erika A Prisoner
19. The Messenger From Brahm
20. The Battle For Peace
21. The Wait For Peace
22. A Visit From The Past
23. A Wedding For Bertha
24. Joanna's Secret Weapon
25. A Battle To The Death
26. The Imminent Defeat Of Daimos
27. Daimos' New Weapons
28. A Warrior's Death
29. A Sense Of Duty
30. The Race Against Time
31. Paradox Last Call For Peace
32. The Exodus Into The Southern Regions
33. The Arrival Of Bertha's Nephew, Darwin
34. Ulrich's Downfall
35. The Conversion of Zender
36. Richard's Mission Of Peace
37. The Sacrificial Bride
38. Daimos Or Death
39. Richard, The Traitor
40. Space Dynamo
41. Richard's Love, Betrayed
42. To Vanquish A Tyrant
43. Prelude To The Battle
44. Ulrich's Absolution